Morrow Personal Injury Lawyer

Morrow and the entire state of Georgia are subject to accidents each day. In the majority of instances, they lead to personal injuries that can inflict losses, ranging from extreme physical pain and suffering to hefty medical bills and other expenses.

You or a loved one may be eligible for compensation to cover medical expenses and emotional pain, along with other damages that result from the careless or negligent acts of a third party. However, you’ll need assistance from a seasoned Morrow personal injury Lawyer. Wade Law Firm has handled numerous cases in this field which include medical malpractice as well as wrongful deaths, car accidents as well as truck collisions, pedestrian injuries, slips and falls, etc.

Our Morrow injury attorneys can assist you with getting the money you require. So, call us today at 770-282-1188 and schedule a free consult, with no commitment.

What Should I Do After an Injury?

Your personal injury claim may be affected by the actions you take following an accident. This is why it’s essential to be well-prepared and know what you need to do. That said, here are steps you must take:

Medical Attention Is Required

It’s no surprise that seeking medical attention is the first step following an accident. If it’s an emergency you should call 911 to ensure that an ambulance may be sent to the location you’re in. It is crucial to seek treatment as fast as possible. This will increase your chances of receiving full reimbursement.

Take Photos or Videos If You Can

If you’ve got a smartphone in your pocket, snap photos as well as videos of both your injuries and the scene. If you aren’t able to record the incident at once, do so as soon as is possible following the incident. The information you record could be used to support your claim.

Get Contact Information and Names of Any Witnesses

It is also important to keep an eye on any witnesses. Contact information and names as they could prove helpful in telling your story. Do not compromise the chance of a

Inform the Police about the Accident

Notifying the right parties about the accident is crucial. You should report an automobile accident to authorities. Your supervisor should be informed when there’s a serious injury at work. Inform the supervisor if there was a slip and fall at a business premises. It is also recommended to receive a copy of your accident report.

Never Admit Fault

Do not apologize to the person who caused the incident or admit blame when you are involved in an accident. You could be held accountable for the consequences of injuries or damages. Even if you think you are partially responsible it should not be the norm.

Find Legal Help

Morrow personal injury lawyers are available to assist you if you’ve suffered injuries due to negligent or reckless actions by another party. They’re experienced in every type of personal injury claim such as dog bites, slips and falls, car accidents, defective product lawsuits, car accidents, and car accidents. The Wade Law Firm handles all kinds of personal injury lawsuits in Morrow and the surrounding regions of Georgia.

Legal representation is required to ensure your rights are protected. For more information on the legal options available to you, you can reach us by phone or via our website.

What Are the Reasons I Should Hire a Morrow Injury Attorney?

Personal injury law is complex and the fact that you must concentrate on recovery will not make the claims process easier. For the job of lifting heavy weights, you need an expert. Here are some of the reasons you should consult a Morrow personal injury lawyer:

Case Preparation

If you’re injured in an accident that isn’t your fault, it’s up to you to initiate the claim process by calling an experienced lawyer. A personal injury lawyer will analyze the situation and provide you with your legal options. Our team will then conduct an extensive investigation and gather the necessary evidence. We will then start a lawsuit in order to claim compensation.

Settlement Negotiations

Before even considering taking your case to court, your lawyer and the at-fault party’s legal representative will attempt to reach an agreement. At this stage, the party who is at fault is expected to agree to pay a particular amount to be relieved of any liabilities. The claim is closed if all goes according to plan.

Trial Preparation and Representation

If the parties cannot reach an agreement, your claim is likely to go to the courts. This is a situation that many people and insurance firms want to avoid, especially because of the time and cost involved in settling a case.

The jury will determine whether the defendant is accountable during the trial. The judge will decide on the amount of the damages that need to be awarded if the jury finds the defendant responsible. A personal injury lawyer from Wade Law will offer competent legal counsel throughout the trial.

What Types of Damages Can I Claim in Georgia?

Georgia personal injury victims can take advantage of a variety of damages. These include:

Economic Damages

Special damages are also known as economic damages. They pay for the loss of money that occurs as a result. These losses are real as they are easy to estimate. These economic damages can include losses in wages, property damages, utility bills medical expenses, and many more.

Morrow personal injury lawyer meeting with client

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are also known as general damages. They cover the suffering and pain the victim as well as their loved ones have suffered due to their actions. They are not tangible in nature and difficult to quantify since they are not backed by objective evidence like receipts. The types of non-economic damages are emotional suffering, distress, and pain as well as tarnished reputations loss of companionship as well as loss of enjoyment of life.

Punitive Damages

If the defendant was extremely reckless or careless, punitive damages might be awarded. These damages are designed to punish the wrongdoer and discourage others from repeating their actions.

What Is the Georgia Liability Law?

To hold a defendant responsible for personal injuries in Georgia, you have to prove:

Duty of Care

The first aspect of negligence that you have to show is that the other party has a level of obligation. This is referred to as duty of care. It covers everything from being safe and following traffic rules to performing the necessary inspections before driving the truck.

Breach of Duty of Care

It is also essential to establish that negligence was caused by breaching the obligation of care. This could include not following traffic rules or failing to complete vehicle inspections.


The next step is to prove the accident was caused by negligence in the exercise of care. One example would be running the spotlight and colliding with another vehicle.


In the end, you have to be able to prove that the incident led to physical injury, pain, damage to property, emotional distress, or any other kind of harm.

Keep in mind that Georgia adheres to the modified comparative negligence rule. This means that a percentage of the blame will be assigned to each party in the accident. While one party might get 100% blamed but that is not always the case. Usually, the parties involved share different levels of blame.

What Is the Time Limit for Starting a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Georgia?

In civil lawsuits, there is a law known as the statute of limitations which applies to personal injury cases too. Georgia’s statute of limitation for personal injury claims is two years. That means that you have two years from the date of your accident to make a claim for personal injury.

How Much Does a Morrow Personal Injury Attorney Cost?

A majority of people who suffer from personal injuries are hesitant to engage an attorney on their behalf due to the legal fees. The Wade Law Firm works on the basis of a contingency fee, which means you don’t need to fret about how much it will expense. This means that you will not pay a cent unless we are able to win your case. The amount your end up paying is determined by the percentage that you agreed to in the settlement.

Types of Injury Cases Wade Law Firm Handles

We are able to provide top legal advice for the following personal injury cases:

Hire a Morrow Personal Injury Lawyer Today!

Personal injuries can have terrible consequences for victims and their families. If you have sustained injuries due to the negligence of someone else and you need help, contact Wade Law Firm. We have a team of highly skilled and experienced personal injury lawyers who all hours of the day to provide you with the best legal representation.

What you do following an injury from a personal accident could be detrimental to your life. So, do not risk it. Call our office at 770-282-1188 today to request a free consultation without obligation.