Riverdale Car Accident Lawyer

Accidents happen in the car frequently and the outcomes are nearly impossible to anticipate. Sometimes, the damages caused by an accident are minimal and the vehicle’s passengers aren’t likely to suffer injuries. In this scenario, the person at fault could simply declare a claim with their insurance company, and the case will be settled.

However, if an accident results in injuries or even the death of a family member the scenario is different. Accidents can result in financial burdens and life-altering effects for families and the victims. In these situations, compensation can be available to help in the recovery process, as well as allow the victim’s family to get back to normal life after the incident.

However, obtaining this proper compensation will mean properly navigating the complexities of Georgia’s personal injury laws. Our Riverdale car accident lawyers provide expert legal representation to those who are committed to obtaining compensation.

Contact our Riverdale personal injury attorneys for a FREE consultation if you’ve suffered injuries or damages in the course of an automobile accident.

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What Is the Average Cost of a Riverdale Car Accident Lawyer?

It is normal to feel shocked following a car crash. One of the last things you’ll require is to consider the cost of legal representation by a lawyer to get your fair compensation.

We at Wade Law fully comprehend the dire situation faced by accident victims. We offer essential legal services on a contingency fee arrangement. This means that we will charge you no upfront costs for a consultation initial or our expert legal services, a full investigation into the incident, or discussions with the insurance company.

In reality, we won’t charge you anything until we win the case and recover your compensation. If we win the case, we will take our money from the proceeds that are owed to the party at fault or more typically their insurance companies. There is nothing to lose in seeking compensation.

What Should I Do Following the Car Crash?

It’s impossible to completely be prepared for the aftermath of an accident. You can help preserve your situation by remaining focused and focused on the future.

Here are some important things you should remember in the immediate aftermath of an accident.

Get in Touch With the Police

A police report is essential for establishing a convincing case. It is essential to keep track of the badge numbers, names, and precincts of all officers that arrived on the scene. This will enable you to request the report later. Don’t leave the scene before the police have completed their report.

Check on Other Parties That Were Involved in the Crash

If your injuries permit you to move, then you are allowed to be able to do so. Make sure you are safe for the others who were involved in the incident. However, don’t leave the scene until police arrive and make their report.

Exchange Information

Ask the driver who was involved in the collision for their name, contact information, and the details of their insurance company. You’ll also need the license plate number of the car they drove.

Record the Scene

Utilize the camera on your smartphone to capture as much proof as possible of the accident scene. One of the most important areas to capture will be the damage to both vehicles, the positions of the vehicles in relation to one another, the road, the skid marks that are left behind, injuries that have occurred as well as traffic signs in the vicinity.

Never Admit Fault

If you’re at the scene of an accident be attentive to what you say. Keep in mind that a simple statement like “sorry” can be considered an admission of guilt which could undermine the validity of your defense.

Take Care of Your Health

It is imperative to take your injuries to be examined by medical professionals even if the injuries appear to be small. Only a trained doctor is able to determine and determine the severity of injuries that you sustained as a result of the accident.

Call a Car Accident Lawyer!

In order to fully recover from an accident, you’ll need your mental strength and focus. Make sure you contact a reputable Riverdale attorney for car accidents who can handle the legal issues and increase your chance of obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Why Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer in Riverdale, Georgia?

Even though compensation for your injury is your right under the law, the legal path to recovering compensation can be very complicated, and insurance adjusters aren’t always kind. Here’s how our skilled attorneys of Wade Law can improve your chances of success.

Case Preparation and Filing the Lawsuit

It is important to address the many aspects and ensure that there are no loopholes the opposition can use against you. This is not an easy task and requires an in-depth understanding of personal injury law which only an experienced lawyer can offer.

Riverdale car accident lawyer filing lawsuit

Settlement Negotiations

Insurance companies will do everything to protect their business interests, which is why they’ll avoid making any costs. Only a knowledgeable lawyer will be able to convince these untrustworthy insurance adjusters to the table and convince them to agree to a fair resolution.

Preparation for Trial and Representation

If no resolution can be reached through negotiations The matter will then be brought to court. To turn the wheels in your favor, you’ll require an experienced lawyer and a well-prepared argument.

What Compensation Should I Expect?

Car accidents can be quite distinct from each other, and it is not possible to assign a general amount to a car accident claim. But, it’s safe to say that the more grievous the injuries and damage sustained in the crash more valuable of the case as well as the higher the amount of compensation available.

What Kind of damage can I Recover?

The available damages are intended to restore the victim’s life to the condition before the injury. It is the particulars of the injuries and damages sustained that will determine the kind of compensation the victims can expect. The State of Georgia has three types of damages an accident victim may receive.

Economic Damages

These damages are intended to cover out-of-pocket costs incurred by the accident. These damages could cover medical expenses, for example, hospitalization, treatment, or prescriptions. Furthermore, the economic damages could include loss of wages or loss of earning capacity. The compensation is for economic losses both in the present and the future.

Non-Economic Damages

The victims of car accidents will also be impacted by damages that are harder to translate to a financial amount. Non-economic damages will compensate the victims for their mental trauma and loss of consortium suffering, and other consequences of the accident that can’t easily be assigned the financial amount.

Punitive Damages

Sometimes, the actions performed by the defendant might be particularly reprehensible. Punitive damages may be used to penalize a person for specific behavior.

What Are the Criteria for Determining Fault in Georgia Car Accidents?

Georgia’s modified comparative negligence law states that accident victims aren’t eligible for reimbursement if they’re accountable for less than 50% of the accident that caused their injuries. If the victim sustained damages of $10,000 but was also found to be responsible for 10% for the incident (perhaps due to driving too fast), then they will only be eligible for an amount of $9,000 in compensation.

Is There a Deadline for Filing a Car Accident Claim in Riverdale, Georgia?

A statute of limitations is the lawful time period within which a lawsuit or personal injury claim must be filed. There is a two-year statute of limitations in Georgia for personal injury lawsuits. There are exceptions to this standard that are worth knowing about.

  • Government Entities: In the event that you are making a claim against a government entity, it must be made within 12 months from the date of the injury or loss.
  • Underage Victims: The statute of limitations doesn’t begin to run until the victim reaches 18 if they’re a minor.

Other factors can also affect the statute of limitations. For instance, the nature of the offenses committed at the time of the incident. This can also affect the time limit for filing an action. It is important to speak to a lawyer as fast as you can to ensure that your claim is handled promptly.

What Should I Do If My Insurance Provider Rejects My Claim?

Insurance companies will not cover claims based on technicalities or because they want to protect their interests. This shouldn’t be taken to mean that your claim is not valid. Wade Law can help you examine your case in the event that your claim has been rejected by insurance companies.

Contact Our Experienced Riverdale Car Accident Lawyers

There’s a chance to get compensation for yourself and your family members if you’ve been impacted by the consequences of a car accident that occurred in Riverdale. If you are determined to receive the amount you are due, you will need an attorney to guide you through the intricacies of the legal realm.

Contact Wade Law at 770-282-1188 and arrange a FREE consultation with one of our attorneys. We will review your case and provide you with direction on what to do next.