Riverdale Family Law Attorney

Family law encompasses a broad array of factors in a couples’ life. A majority of families will need to consult a family lawyer at one point or another in their lives. If you’re in search of an experienced Riverdale family law attorney, you’ve come to the right spot. Divorce, child custody, and other family law matters have lasting impacts on you as well as your relationships with your family.

Family custody and divorce cases can be complex, so it is important to have the best attorneys representing your case. A competent family law attorney can help protect yourself and those you love, all while fulfilling your family’s needs and goals.

That’s the place Wade Law comes into the picture. Wade Law is a well-known firm in Riverdale, GA when it comes to various kinds of family law disputes. Our team of family law attorneys will assist you in completing your divorce or adoption of a child. Our expertise in family law is essential to the next phase of your life.

If you need professional representation in your family law matter, there’s no better option than Wade Law. Our team at Wade Law has over 30 years of experience as family law attorneys. To schedule your consultation, call our office in Riverdale, GA at 770-282-1188.

What Is Considered to Be a Family Law Case?

Family law is a civil matter which involves family issues that affect spouses, parents as well as children. They are the most talked-about family law matters in Georgia.

Contested & Uncontested Divorce

Divorce occurs when the couple decides to break up their marriage. According to Georgia laws, the sole requirement to file for divorce is that both spouses should suspend “marital relations” with the intention to divorce. There’s no time limit to divorce in GA.

Uncontested divorce refers to divorces where both spouses can agree on most matters, including the child custody issue and alimony. The terms of the divorce are agreed upon by both spouses to ensure that the divorce process is speedy.

However, a contested divorce occurs where both parties do not agree on the majority of the issues that arise from the divorce. A divorce that is contested can be more complicated since it needs to be tried in front of a judge before the judge can make a decision on behalf of the couple.

Parental Rights, Child Custody, and Child Support

A family lawyer can aid with child support and custody issues in a divorce. If the couple is not able to come to an agreement regarding these issues prior to divorce, the court must decide which parent takes custody of the children.

Spousal Support & Alimony Agreements

Spousal support is also known as alimony or maintenance. It’s the payment made by one spouse to the other during divorce in the event that the former isn’t financially stable in the absence of the other spouse.

Legal Name Changes in Georgia

Adults and children are able to legally change their names by filing a name change petition in a GA family court.

Restraining Orders

In the case of domestic violence in Georgia, a spouse may request a full-time protection order. Domestic violence can result in injuries, inflicting forced confinement, sexual assault, and other crimes.

DSS Cases & Adoption

Cases involving child neglect or abuse need a lawyer with experience in family law to manage these cases. If parents are discovered to be neglecting or abusing their child, they can lose the parental rights of the child.

Family lawyers from our firm can help you adopt a child through a private agency or foster care.

Couple signing divorce papers, Riverdale family law attorney concept

What Are the Grounds for Divorce in Georgia?

Georgia is not a no-fault divorce state. For divorce in Riverdale, Georgia, you or your spouse need to choose one of the 13 divorce grounds below.

  • The marriage can never be redeemed.
  • People who are married within restricted kinship levels
  • Invalidity at the time of the marriage
  • Incapacity mental during the marriage
  • Pregnancy of the wife by an individual other than the husband during the time of the marriage (and unnoticed by the husband)
  • Force, menace, duress, or fraud in obtaining the marriage
  • Desertion
  • Adultery during the marriage
  • Incurable mental illness
  • A conviction for moral turpitude is a punishment of at least two years imprisonment
  • Consistent intoxication
  • Cruel treatment
  • Habitual drug addiction

How Do You Start the Divorce Process?

You must work with an experienced divorce lawyer to resolve any issues that remain. During the divorce process, you’ll need to resolve any issues related to child support or custody. The first step of filing for divorce in Georgia is to lodge a petition with the court. This is known as the divorce petition. The petition should state the reasons for divorce. It should also contain a list of assets and arrangements for children.

How Does the Division of Property Work?

Property that is separate in Georgia is owned by the original owner. Marital property is divided according to the principles of equitable division. The property is split between the spouses according to what’s fair. There are some cases where the judge may consider a number of aspects before deciding how to divide the property in a fair way.

How Is Child Custody Decided in Georgia?

Georgia courts will decide on child custody and visitation after taking into consideration a variety of factors. They will first consider what is best for the child. The court will then take a look at the habits of both partners to see who can function as the primary caretaker.

Before granting custody to children they must review the records of both parents. If children are old enough, they can tell the judge whom they want to live with and the reason for this.

What Is Alimony & How Is It How Is It Decided?

The term “alimony” can also be used as spousal or maintenance. In the event that one spouse’s financial situation is unstable, it is an allowance that is paid to the other. There’s no formula to calculate maintenance in Georgia. In determining if alimony is suitable, the judge must examine a range of factors, including the duration of the marriage and the finances of the partners.

Contact Our Riverdale Family Law Attorneys Today

Family law cases can be very complex. To ensure you experience easy and smooth family proceedings, it is crucial to collaborate with a skilled Riverdale family law attorney.

Riverdale, GA has its own set of legal firms for families. These lawyers are not the best. It is important to select the best firm to represent your needs and achieve a positive outcome.

Since 1998, Wade Law has been offering family law services to customers in Georgia. Call today at 770-282-1188 to schedule a consultation.