Fairburn Car Accident Lawyer

Accidents can occur anytime, and it’s almost impossible to know what will happen. Sometimes, the damage that results from a car crash is not significant and the car’s passengers may not suffer any injuries. In such a case the person who was responsible for the accident can make a claim to their insurance company, and the issue will be resolved.

If an accident results in injuries or even the death of a loved one the situation can become very complicated. Accidents can result in financial burdens and life-altering effects for the families of victims. In these instances, there is compensation available to aid in the recovery process and enable the family of the victim to return to their lives prior to the incident.

But, getting the proper compensation is contingent on being competent in navigating the complicated laws that govern personal injuries in Georgia. Our Fairburn car accident lawyers provide experienced legal counsel for those who are committed to obtaining compensation.

Contact one of our Fairburn personal injury attorneys to schedule a FREE consultation If you’ve sustained injuries or damage in a Fairburn car accident.

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What Is the Average Cost of a Fairburn Car Accident Lawyer?

It’s normal to experience shocked following a car crash. There is no need to pay the cost of legal representation to receive the compensation you deserve.

Wade Law is sensitive to the needs of victims of accidents. We provide our legal services on the basis of a contingency fee. We do not charge upfront costs for consultations or legal assistance from a professional. This includes an in-depth investigation into the incident as well as discussions with insurance firms.

We do not charge any fees unless you succeed in the case or receive your compensation. If the case is successful and we win, we’ll receive our settlement from any winnings derived from the party at fault, or, in more common cases the insurance companies of that party. There is nothing to lose by pursuing compensation.

What Can I Do Following a Car Accident?

It’s impossible to plan for what could happen following an accident. You can protect your situation by remaining at peace and focusing on the future.
Here are some tips you need to keep in mind during the immediate aftermath of an accident.

Contact the Police

A police report is essential to establishing a solid case. It is essential to keep all the badge numbers, names and precincts for all police officers who arrived at the scene. This will enable you to get an updated copy at a later date. Don’t leave the accident site before the police have finished their report.

Check With the Other Parties Involved in the Crash

If your injuries permit you to move around, you must move. You are responsible for the safety of everyone else who were involved in the incident. Don’t go away from the scene of the accident until the police arrive to finish their investigation.

Exchange Information

Get the contact details and name of the other driver. Also, you will require their license number.

Photograph the Scene

Make use of your smartphone’s camera to take as many photos as you can of the crash scene. You’ll need to record the amount of damage to both vehicles, their position relative to one another, and road debris, scratches, injuries, as well as traffic signal signals.

Never Admit Fault

When you are at the scene of an accident, you must be cautious about the words you use at the scene. An innocent “sorry” statement could be interpreted as an admission of guilt and could undermine your defense.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if the injuries appear to be minor, it’s important to get them checked by a licensed medical professional. Only a licensed doctor is able to assess the severity of the injuries that you sustain in an accident.

Call a Car Accident Lawyer!

In order to completely recuperate from an accident, you’ll need mental stamina and determination. Contact a Fairburn lawyer with experience in dealing with car accidents and will assist you in obtaining the amount you’re due.

Why Do You Need a Fairburn Car Accident Lawyer?

While you are entitled to be compensated for your injuries as per the law, the process of obtaining compensation is often complicated and insurance adjusters might not be kind. Wade Law’s experienced lawyers can assist you in increasing your chances of success.

Case Preparation

It is crucial to take care of numerous details and make sure that there aren’t any loopholes that the opposition could use against you. This isn’t an easy job and requires a thorough knowledge of the law governing personal injuries and the expertise that only a skilled lawyer can offer.

Fairburn car accident lawyer meeting injured client

Settlement Negotiations

Insurance firms will do all they can to safeguard their interests, which is why they’ll avoid making any fees. Only a competent lawyer can get these fraudulent insurers to the table and convince them to accept a favorable solution.

Trial Preparation and Representation in Court

The case will be brought to court if there’s no agreement during talks. In order to turn the wheels in your favor, you’ll require a competent lawyer and an argument that is well-crafted.

What Kind of Compensation Can I Expect?

Car accidents are not the same, and they can be very different therefore it is hard to assign a worth to every car accident claim. It is safe to claim that the case could be more valuable if victims suffer serious injury or damage. It will also impact the amount of compensation that is available.

What Damages Can I Recover?

The damages available are designed to restore the life of the victim to the state it was prior to the accident. The victims must assess the severity of their injuries and the damages before they are eligible for the compensation they deserve. The State of Georgia has three kinds of damages that an accident victim may receive.

Economic Damages

The purpose of these damages is to pay for out-of-pocket expenses arising from the incident. They can be used to be used to pay for medical expenses like hospitalization, treatment, or prescriptions. Additionally, economic damages could be a loss of wages or loss of earning capacity. The compensation is for economic losses in the present as well as the future.

Economic Damages

Other injuries suffered by car accident victims are the ones that are harder to quantify financially. Victims are compensated for emotional trauma, loss of the consortium, pain, and other consequences of the accident which are not easily quantifiable to an amount in dollars.

Punitive Damages

Sometimes, the actions performed by the defendant could be particularly injurious. Punitive damages are employed to penalize a defendant for a particular behavior.

What is the Method of Determining Fault for a Georgia Car Accident?

Georgia’s modified comparative negligence law stipulates that accident victims aren’t eligible for compensation if they were responsible for less than 50% of the event which caused the injuries. If the victim suffered damages of $10,000 but is also determined to be responsible for 10% for the incident (perhaps due to driving too fast) the victim will only be eligible for the amount of $9,000 as compensation.

Do You Have a Deadline to File a Car Crash Claim in Fairburn, Georgia?

The statute of limitations is the lawful time period that a lawsuit or personal injury claim has to be filed. There is a two-year time limit in Georgia for personal injury claims. There are some exceptions to this law that you must be aware of.

  • Government agencies: Claims against government agencies must be made within 12 months from the date of loss or injury.
  • Minor Victims: The statute of limitations doesn’t start until the victim reaches 18 if they’re minor.

Other elements can affect the time limit for filing a claim, like the crime that was committed during the incident. This could further affect the deadline for filing an action. It is crucial to talk with a lawyer as quickly as you can to ensure that your claim is dealt with swiftly.

What Do I Do If My Insurance Refuses to Pay My Claim?

Insurance companies will not cover claims based on technicalities, or in order to safeguard their own interests. This shouldn’t be taken as a sign that your case is not valid. Wade Law can help you determine the validity of your claim if it was denied by the insurance company.

Contact Our Fairburn Auto Accident Lawyers Today

There’s compensation available for you and your family members if you’ve been impacted by the result of a car crash that occurred in Fairburn. Legal professionals can help you navigate through the legal system if you wish to receive the money you are entitled to.

Contact Wade Law at 770-282-1188 to schedule a no-cost meeting with one of our lawyers. We will go over your case and provide you with instructions on what to do next.