Jonesboro Family Law Attorney

Family law can cover a wide spectrum of elements in the lives of couples. The majority of families have to speak with an attorney for their family at one moment or another during their lives. This is the perfect place if you’re looking for a trusted Jonesboro family law attorney. Family law issues like divorce, child custody, or any other family issue will have a lasting effect on the family you live with and your relationships.

Actually, divorce and child custody issues are quite complex and require the best attorneys to represent your case. A Family lawyer can help protect your loved ones and help meet your family’s objectives and requirements.

Wade Law is here to help. We’re a reputable firm in Jonesboro, GA when it comes to handling different types of family law matters. Our team of lawyers in family law can assist you in finalizing your divorce or adopting an infant. Our experience in family law is key to the forthcoming change in your life.

If you need professional representation for your family law dispute There is no better partner than Wade Law. Our family law lawyers have over 30 years of experience. To schedule a consultation contact our office in Jonesboro, GA at 770-282-1188.

What Is a Family Law Case?

Family law cases involve civil litigation that deals with family issues that affect parents, spouses, or children. They are among the most sought-after family law matters in Georgia.

Contested & Uncontested Divorce

Divorce is a legal process in which a couple agrees to terminate their marriage. Georgia law only requires that spouses suspend their “marital relations” in order to file for divorce. There’s no time limit to get a divorce in GA.

Uncontested divorce refers to divorces where both spouses agree on most issues, such as the child custody issue and the payment of alimony. Each spouse agrees to the terms of divorce so that the divorce process can go swiftly.

A contested divorce, however, is one where the parties are not able to be able to agree on the majority of the issues that are involved in the divorce. A contested divorce is more complex due to the fact that it must be tried in front of a judge before the judge will make a determination on behalf of the couple.

Parental Rights, Child Custody, and Child Support

A family lawyer can help with child support and custody issues during divorce. These issues should be addressed by the court if the couple cannot agree.

Spousal Support & Alimony Agreements

Spousal support is also called alimony or maintenance. It’s the amount of money paid by one spouse to the other during divorce if one spouse has a financial problem in the absence of the spouse who is not.

Georgia Legal Name Changes

Children and adults can legally change their names by filing a case for a name change with the GA family court.

Restraining Orders

If there is a case of domestic violence in Georgia spouses can request a full protection order. Domestic violence could include causing injuries, committing forced confinement, sexual assault, and other crimes.

DSS Cases & Adoption

The cases involving neglect and abuse of children require the expertise of a family lawyer to manage them. Parents can lose parental rights if he/she is found to have abused or neglected his/her child.

Our Jonesboro family law attorneys can also assist you in adopting children via a private agency or foster care.

Family figures next to gavel, Jonesboro family law attorney concept

What Are the Grounds for Divorce in Georgia?

Georgia isn’t a state that allows divorce with no fault. To get a divorce in Jonesboro, Georgia, you or your spouse need to choose from the 13 grounds below.

  • The marriage is irretrievably ended
  • People who are married within prohibited degrees of kinship
  • Impotence in the wedding
  • Mental incapacity during the time of the marriage
  • Pregnancy of the spouse is by someone other than the husband when that the marriage was held (and not reported by the husband).
  • For the purpose of obtaining the marriage, force duress, menace or fraud are employed
  • Desertion
  • Marriage is not complete without adultery
  • Incurable mental illness
  • The conviction of moral turpitude that results in an imprisonment sentence of 2 years or more
  • Consistent intoxication
  • Cruel treatment
  • Habitual drug addiction

How Do You Start the Divorce Process in Jonesboro, Georgia?

You should consult an experienced divorce lawyer in order to resolve any outstanding issues. You need to resolve issues with regard to child support and child custody throughout the divorce process. Divorce proceedings in Georgia starts by filing a petition with the court. This form of document is referred to as a divorce petition. The petition should state the reason for the divorce. The document should also include a list and arrangements for the assets of the children.

How Does the Division of Property Work?

In Georgia, separate property is held by the original owner and marital property is divided according to the equitable distribution principle. The property is divided among the spouses according to what’s fair. In some instances the judge will consider many factors before deciding to divide the property.

How Is Child Custody Decided in Georgia?

Georgia courts will take into consideration a variety of aspects when deciding on visitation and custody for children custody. They first will decide what is the best option for the child/children. Then the court will take a look at the habits of both partners to see who can function as the primary caregiver.

They’ll review the documents of both spouses before deciding to grant child custody. If children are of a certain age, they can tell the judge who they would like to live with and why.

What Is Alimony and How is It Decided?

Alimony is also referred to as maintenance or spousal support. If one spouse is financially unstable, it is a monetary allowance paid to the spouse who is the other. Georgia does not have a formula for calculating maintenance. Judges will be considering a range of aspects to determine if it is appropriate to award alimony, and the type, duration, and amount of the final award.

Contact Our Jonesboro Family Law Attorneys Today

Family law cases can be quite complex. To ensure that you go through a an easy and smooth family law process it is essential to consult with an experienced Jonesboro attorney.

Jonesboro, GA has its own set of family law firms. However, all of them aren’t top-quality. It is essential to select the best firm to represent you and achieve a positive outcome.

Since 1998, Wade Law has been offering family law services to customers in Georgia. Contact us today at 770-282-1188 for a consultation!