Lovejoy Personal Injury Lawyer

There are frequent accidents in Lovejoy and across Georgia. In the majority of instances, they cause personal injuries and can result in losses, from severe physical discomfort and suffering to huge medical bills and other expenses.

You or a loved member of your family can be entitled to compensation for medical bills or emotional stress, as well as other injuries incurred because of the reckless, careless, or negligent acts of another person. But, you will require assistance from a seasoned Lovejoy personal injury lawyer. Wade Law Firm has dealt with numerous cases in this region such as medical malpractice and wrongful death.

Our experienced Lovejoy injury attorneys can assist you in pursuing the compensation you’re entitled to. Call us now at 770-282-1188 and set up a no-cost consultation, without obligation.

What Should I Do After an Injury?

Your personal injury claim could be affected by the actions you take following an accident. It is vital to know what you should do and how you can prepare to be ready for an accident. In this regard there are steps you must take:

Seek Medical Attention

It’s not a surprise that seeking medical attention is the first thing following an accident. If there is an emergency make sure to call 911 so an ambulance may be sent to the location you’re in. It is vital to seek treatment as fast as possible. This increases the likelihood of receiving complete compensation.

Take Photos or Videos If You Can

You can capture photos and videos using your smartphone of the accident site as well as the injuries. If you aren’t able to record the incident at once, do so as quickly as you can following the incident. This information can be used to prove your case.

Get Contact Information and Names of any Witnesses

Also, keep an eye on any witnesses’ names and contact information because they could be useful in telling your story. Do not compromise your chances of being a

Report the Accident

It is vital to inform the relevant parties of the accident. It is essential to report an automobile accident to the police. Your supervisor should be informed when there’s a serious injury at work. If you’ve had a slip and fall at a business premise, notify the manager. Also, ensure that you obtain a copy accident report.

Never Admit Fault

Don’t apologize or admit guilt for the injuries or damage caused by an accident. Even if it seems like that you’re partially to blame that is the best practice.

Find Legal Assistance

If you’ve been injured as a result of the negligence or recklessness of another person you should contact a Lovejoy personal injury attorney with expertise in all types of personal injury claims including slips and falls, automobile accidents as well as defective product claims, dog bites, and so on. Wade Law handles all kinds of personal injury lawsuits within Lovejoy and the surrounding areas of Georgia.

Legal representation is required to ensure your rights are protected. For more information about the legal options available to you, get in touch with us via phone or via our website.

Why Should I Hire an Attorney?

Personal injury law is complex and the fact that you must focus on recovery will not make the claims process easier. A professional is required to do all the heavy lifting. Here are some of the reasons to employ a Lovejoy personal injury lawyer:

Case preparation

You are entitled to file a claim if you suffer injuries during an accident that was not your fault. A personal injury attorney will go through your case, your injuries, and offer legal alternatives. Our team will conduct an extensive investigation and collect the evidence needed. In the end, we’ll make a claim to obtain compensation.

Settlement Negotiations

Before even thinking about the possibility of bringing your case to trial, your attorney and the at-fault party’s legal representative will work to negotiate a settlement. The party responsible must agree to pay a set amount to be freed from any liability. The claim is closed if all is well.

Trial Preparation and Representation

Your claim will be filed in court in the event that the parties fail to agree on a settlement. This is something that a majority of insurers and people want to avoid, especially because of the cost and time required to settle a dispute. During the trial, the jury will determine if the defendant is liable. The judge will determine the amount of damages that must be paid if a jury finds the defendant liable. A personal injury lawyer from Wade Law will provide legal representation throughout the case trial.

What Types of Damages Can I Recover in Georgia?

Georgia personal injury victims can file a claim for a variety of damages. These include:

Economic Damages

Special damages can also be known as economic damages. They compensate for the loss of money that occurs because of the accident. They are tangible and straightforward to calculate. The types of economic damages are the loss of earnings, property damage utility bills medical expenses, and others.

Lovejoy personal injury lawyer meeting man with broken arm

Non-Economic Losses

Non-economic damage is also referred to as general damages. They compensate for the pain and suffering that the victim as well as their loved ones suffered due to their actions. These aren’t tangible, and they are hard to determine as they lack objective documentation such as receipts. Non-economic damages can include emotional anxiety, pain, suffering in the form of tarnished reputations and loss of companionship, and loss of pleasure.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages may be awarded in cases where the defendant was extremely negligent, reckless, or careless. These damages are intended to penalize the perpetrator and to discourage others from repeating the same mistake.

How Do You Determine Liability in Georgia?

To hold a defendant responsible in Georgia for personal injuries, you have to establish:

Duty of Care

It is essential to prove that the opposing party was liable for some amount of liability. This is known as a duty of care. This covers everything from adhering to traffic rules and driving safely and performing the required inspections before driving a vehicle.

Breach of Duty of Care

Another element of negligence that you must prove is that there was an infringement of the obligation of care. This could include not following the traffic laws or failing to finish vehicle inspections.


The third step is to prove that the incident was caused by a breach of duty of care. One example would be running the spotlight and colliding with another vehicle.


In the end, you have to show that the incident led to physical injury, pain or damage to property, emotional distress, or any other form of damage.

Keep in mind that Georgia applies the modified comparative negligence rule. This means that every party is responsible for a proportion of the fault. Although one person can be held to 100% responsibility that’s not always the case. Most often, there are various degrees of responsibility between the parties.

What Is the Time Limit to Make a Personal Injury Claim in Georgia?

In civil litigation, there is a law known as the statute of limitations which is applicable to personal injury lawsuits too. Georgia’s statute of limitations for personal injury cases is 2 years. That means that you have two years from the date of the accident to make a claim for personal injury.

What Is the Cost of a Lovejoy Personal Injury Lawyer?

Many victims of personal injury tend to hesitate to involve an attorney for personal injuries in their cases because of the legal fees. Luckily, you do not need to be concerned about the cost since at Wade Law we are on a contingency fee. You won’t be required to pay anything until you win your case. The percentage you agree to is the basis of how much you’ll pay.

Different Types of Injury Cases Wade Law Handles

You can count on us to provide top-of-the-line legal assistance in the following personal injury cases:

Find a Lovejoy Personal Injury Lawyer Today!

Personal injuries can lead to devastating consequences for victims and their loved ones. Wade Law can help you if you’ve been injured as a result of the negligence of a third party. We are a group of skilled and seasoned personal injury attorneys who remain available 24 hours a day to ensure you get the best legal advice.

Your life can be affected by what you do after an injury. Therefore, don’t risk it. Call our office at 770-282-1188 today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.