According to Everyday Health, seat belts save more than 15,000 people involved in auto accidents from death. Shockingly, seat belts are not found in one vehicle that one would think should have them – school buses.
Due to the non-existence of seat belts in school buses, there is a far greater risk of permanent injury or even death when there is a collision involving a school bus. It is highly recommend you contact an auto accident attorney after a bus accident in order that you understand your rights and the process of pursuing a claim for compensation. When a bus crash occurs, someone should be accountable. whether it’s the driver, the school district, or another driver who caused the accident.
If all school buses were equipped with seat belts, there would be far fewer permanent injuries. The new leader of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), citing the importance of safety belts for child safety, has advocated adding seat belts to all school buses. In the past, the NHTSA has not addressed their position on seat belts in school buses. The new head of the NHTSA, Mark Rosebud acknowledged the NHTSA has not been clear on its position on seat belts on school buses when addressing the National Association for Pupil Transportation. Mr. Rosebud said that the agency now wants implement a requirement that every child has a three-point seat belt on their school bus.
Installation of the three-point seat belts in a new bus are estimated to cost $7,000 to $10,000. Installing seat belts on existing school buses would be more costly at $20,000 per bus. From a nationwide standpoint, the total cost is estimated to be around $2.34 million. Although the cost is high, child fatalities in bus related crashes would be reduced significantly. Bus drivers should still exercise caution when driving a bus and other drivers should drive safely when driving close to a bus.
If you or your child have been involved in a school bus accident, it is important to contact an experienced attorney today. Wade Law Offices proudly helps victims involved in all types of car accidents. We look forward to discussing how we can help you.