South Fulton Car Accident Lawyer

Accidents can occur anytime, and it is almost impossible to forecast the outcome. In some instances, the damage due to a car accident may be minor and the vehicle’s occupants will suffer no injuries. In such a case the person at fault could simply submit a claim to their insurance provider and the case will be settled.

If an accident leads to injuries or the death of a family member, things can get very complicated. The injuries resulting from an accident can mean considerable financial strain as well as life-changing effects for the injured and their families. In these cases, there is compensation available to help in the recovery process and enable the family of the victim to restart their lives after the accident.

However, obtaining the rightful compensation will mean properly navigating the maze of Georgia’s personal injury laws. Our South Fulton car accident lawyers provide expert legal representation to those who are determined to obtain compensation.

Call our personal injury attorneys to arrange a FREE consultation in case you’ve suffered injury or damage in a South Fulton auto accident.

What Does Hiring a South Fulton Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

Following a car accident, there is a natural tendency to feel a great emotional and mental shock while trying to comprehend the implications of what has transpired. You don’t need to add the high cost of legal representation to get your rightful compensation.

At Wade Law, we fully know the plight of accident victims. We offer important legal assistance on a contingent fee basis. We do not charge upfront charges for a consultation or professional legal services. This includes a thorough investigation into the accident and discussions with insurance firms.

As a matter of fact, we will not charge you anything unless we win the case and recover your compensation. If we win the case, we will make our money from the proceeds that are owed to the party at fault or, in the case of more frequent cases their insurance companies. As you will see, you have nothing to lose by pursuing your rights to compensation.

What Should I Do Following a Car Accident?

It’s impossible to completely prepare yourself for the effects of an accident. You can protect your life by staying in a calm state and focusing on your future.

Here are some important things you should remember in the immediate aftermath of an accident.

Get in Touch With the Police

Reporting to the police is essential to lay the foundation for a solid claim and case. It is essential to keep records of the badge numbers, names, and precincts for all police officers who were on the scene. This will allow you to get a copy later. Don’t leave the accident scene before the police have finished their report.

See If Others Involved in the Crash Are Hurt

If your injuries allow you to move, and you feel it’s safe to do so. Be sure to ensure the safety of other persons involved in the accident. However, don’t quit the scene until police officers arrive to make their findings.

Exchange Information

Ask the driver who was involved in the accident for their name, their contact information, and the information of their insurance company. You’ll also need to know the license plate number of the car they drove.

Take Pictures of the Scene

Make use of the camera in your smartphone to take as many photos as you can of the crash scene. Some important subjects to record will be the damage to both vehicles, positions of the vehicles in relation to each other, the road, the skid marks that are left behind, injuries that have occurred as well as traffic signs in the area.

Never Admit Fault

Be extremely cautious about the things you say and do at the scene of the accident. A simple “sorry” could be taken as an admission of guilt and could undermine your argument.

Get Medical Attention

It is vital to examine your injuries with medical professionals even if they appear small. Only a licensed doctor is able to assess the severity of injuries sustained in an accident.

Call a Car Accident Lawyer!

To completely recuperate from an accident, you’ll require mental stamina and determination. Call a South Fulton lawyer who has experience in dealing with car accidents and will assist you in obtaining the amount you’re due.

What Is the Reason I Need a Car Accident Attorney in South Fulton?

Although you’re entitled to compensation for your injuries, the legal process of recovering the money can be complicated and insurance adjusters may not be helpful. Wade Law’s highly qualified lawyers can help you increase your chances of success.

Preparing a Case / Filing the Lawsuit

Crafting a strong case means covering a wide range of issues and making sure there are no loopholes that the opposing party could exploit against your case. This is not an easy feat and requires extensive knowledge of personal injury law, which only a seasoned lawyer will be able to provide.

South Fulton car accident lawyer preparing a lawsuit

Settlement Negotiation

Insurance firms will do everything they can to protect their interests and this includes avoiding paying at all costs. Only a knowledgeable lawyer can get these fraudulent insurers to the table and convince them to agree to a positive solution.

Preparation for Trial and Representation

If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, the matter will be brought to court. To turn the wheels in your favor, you will require an experienced lawyer and an argument that is well-crafted.

What Kind of Compensation Can I Expect?

Car accidents can differ greatly so it is difficult to give a general worth to every car accident claim. But, it is safe to declare that the case will be more valuable if victims suffer severe injury or damage. This will also affect the amount of compensation which is offered.

What Kind of Damages Can I Recover?

The potential damages are meant to restore the victim’s life to the condition before the accident. It is the details of the injuries and damages suffered by the victim that determine what types of compensation victims can expect. Georgia has three kinds of compensation that an accident victim could receive.

Economic Damages

The damages are intended to help pay for out-of-pocket expenses caused by the accident. These damages can be used to pay for medical expenses like hospitalization, treatment, or medication. Furthermore, the economic damages could include lost wages or the loss of earning capability. This can involve compensation for damages in the past and future.

Non-Economic Damages

The victims of car accidents will also suffer the consequences of the accident that are more difficult to quantify into a financial figure. Victims will be compensated for their mental anguish, loss in jointness, pain, and additional effects of the crash which cannot be easily assigned the dollar amount.

Punitive Damages

In certain instances, the actions of the defendant can be judged to be especially sinister. Punitive damages are employed to penalize a defendant for specific conduct.

What Is the Method of Determining Fault in Georgia Car accidents?

Georgia’s modified comparative negligence law provides that victims cannot be eligible for compensation if they are responsible for less than 50% of the event that resulted in the injuries. If the victim suffers damages of $10,000 and is also determined to be 10% responsible for the incident (perhaps due to speeding), then they’ll only be entitled to an amount of $9,000 in compensation.

Is There a Time Limit for Filing a Car Wreck Claim in Georgia?

A statute of limitations is the lawful time limit in which a lawsuit or personal injury claim must be filed. The time limit for personal injury lawsuits in Georgia is two years. But there are some exemptions that you should be aware of.

  • Government Entities: In the event that the claim is filed against a government institution, it must be filed within 12 months of the injury or loss.
  • Minors: the statute of limitations doesn’t begin to run until the victim turns 18 if they’re a minor.

Other factors may affect the time of limitations. For instance, crimes committed in the incident could further impact the timeframe for filing a claim. It is imperative to speak with a South Fulton car accident lawyer as soon as you can in order to ensure that the case gets handled swiftly.

What Should I Do If the Insurance Company Denies the Claim?

Insurance companies will not cover claims based on technicalities, or as a way to safeguard their own interests. It is not a reason to mean that your claim is inadmissible. If your case is rejected by an insurance company contact the South Fulton car accident lawyers at Wade Law to get a proper legal evaluation of your case.

Get in Touch With Our South Fulton Auto Accident Lawyers

There’s compensation for you and your family members if you have been affected by a crash in South Fulton. If you are committed to obtaining the money you deserve as a victim, you’ll require an expert attorney to guide you through the maze of the legal realm.

Contact Wade Law at 770-282-1188 for a free consultation with one of our legal professionals. We will analyze your case and provide you with direction as to what next.