Milledgeville Personal Injury Lawyer

Milledgeville and the entire state of Georgia are subject to accidents each day. They can cause personal injuries that can result in huge losses. These losses can include suffering, pain, and high-end medical bills.

If you or a loved one was injured due to reckless, careless, or negligent conduct of another party you may be eligible for reimbursement for medical expenses or emotional pain, as well as other damages. You will need the aid of an experienced Milledgeville personal injury lawyer. Wade Law Firm has dealt with a variety of cases in this area such as medical malpractice and wrongful death.

Our Milledgeville injury attorneys can assist you in getting the money you require. So, contact us today by dialing 770-282-1188 to schedule a free consultation with no obligation.

Table of Contents

What Should I Do After an Injury?

The actions you take following an accident can influence your personal injury claim. It is essential to understand what you need to do and what you should do to prepare for an accident. In this regard, here are steps you must take:

Find Medical Attention

It’s a given that seeking medical attention should be the first thing you do following an accident. If the situation is urgent make sure to call 911 so an ambulance can be dispatched to the location you’re in. Receiving treatment in the early stages is an excellent way to improve the chances of not only complete recovery but also full reimbursement.

Take Photos or Videos If You Can

You can capture photos or videos on your phone of the scene of the accident as well as the injuries. If you aren’t able to record the incident right away, do so as soon as possible following the incident. The information you record can be used to establish your claim.

Take Note of the Names and Contact Information of Witnesses

It is equally important to keep track of the names and contact information of any witnesses who can be crucial in retelling your version of the tale. Do not sacrifice your chances of obtaining damages.

Report an Accident

It is vital to inform all parties involved in the accident. If the accident is a car crash, you must inform the authorities. If it’s an occupational accident, inform your supervisor. Be sure to inform the manager if it is a fall or slip at an office premises. Also, be sure to get a copy of the accident report.

Never Admit Fault

Do not apologize or admit fault for injuries or damages caused in an accident. Even if you think you are partially responsible that should not be the norm.

Get Legal Assistance

If you’ve sustained an injury due to the negligence or reckless acts of a third party, it’s advisable to call a Milledgeville personal injury attorney with expertise in all types of personal injury lawsuits, such as slip and falls, auto accidents as well as defective product claims, dog bites and more. The Wade Law Firm handles all types of personal injury lawsuits within Milledgeville and surrounding areas of Georgia.

Legal representation is required for protecting your rights. If you want to know more about your legal options, contact us via 770-282-1188 or using our online contact form.

Why Should I Hire a Milledgeville Injury Attorney?

Personal injury law is complex and the fact that you must concentrate on recovering isn’t going to make the claim process any simpler. You need a professional to do all the heavy lifting. Here are a few reasons to employ a Milledgeville personal injury lawyer:

Case Preparation

You can declare a case if you have been injured during an accident that was not your fault. An attorney for personal injuries will analyze your case and go over your legal options. Our team will conduct a thorough investigation and gather the required evidence. Lastly, we will start a lawsuit with the intention of seeking compensation for

Settlement Negotiations

Your attorney and the legal representative of the party at fault will try to negotiate a settlement before you consider proceeding to court. At this stage, the party at fault is required to pay a certain amount to be freed from any liability. The claim is closed if all goes as planned.

Trial Preparation and Representation

If the parties cannot reach an agreement, your case will be taken to the courts. A majority of people and even insurance companies are trying to avoid this because of the time and money required to finish a trial. The jury will decide if the defendant is responsible during the trial. The judge will decide on the amount of damages that have to be granted if the jury finds the defendant responsible. The personal injury attorney at Wade Law Firm will provide competent legal representation during the trial.

What Damages Can I Claim in Georgia for an Injury?

There are various types of damages that are available to injured victims in Georgia. They include:

Economic Damages

Also called special damages, economic damages address the financial loss incurred as a result of an injury. These damages are tangible and straightforward to calculate. The economic damage can be the loss of income, property loss utilities medical expenses as well as many others.

Milledgeville personal injury lawyer meeting client

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are also referred to as general damages. They are the cost of suffering and pain the victim and their loved ones suffered because of the injury. They are intangible in nature and difficult to estimate since they are not backed by objective evidence like receipts. Types of non-economic damages include emotional suffering, distress and pain and reputation tarnishment loss of companionship, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Punitive Damages

When the defendant was extremely incompetent, reckless, or careless, punitive damages may be given. These are designed to penalize the wrongdoer and discourage them, and the general public from taking similar crimes in the future.

What Is the Georgia Liability Law?

In order for a defendant to be held liable for personal injury in the state of Georgia, you must show:

Duty of Care

The most important element of negligence you have to establish is that the other party has a level of obligation. This is known as a duty of care. This includes everything from following traffic rules and driving safely to completing the necessary checks prior to driving a truck.

Breach of to Duty of Care

The second aspect of negligence that you must show is a breach of the aforementioned obligation of care. It could involve disobeying traffic regulations or failing to attend the required vehicle inspections.


The third step is to prove the accident occurred due to negligence in the exercise of care. For instance, if you were to run the spotlight and colliding with another vehicle.


Finally, you must show that the incident resulted in physical hurt, property injury emotional distress, or another type of damage.

Remember that Georgia uses the modified comparative negligence principle. This means that a proportion of blame is attributed to each person involved in the incident. Even though one party could be held completely responsible, however, this isn’t always the situation. In most cases, there are varying degrees of fault between the parties.

How Much Time Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Georgia?

In civil lawsuits, there’s a law known as the statute of limitations which is applicable to personal injury lawsuits as well. The statute of limitation for personal injury lawsuits in Georgia is two years. That means you have two years to file a personal injuries claim starting from the date of the accident.

What Is the Average Cost of a Milledgeville Personal Injury Lawyer?

Many victims of personal injury have a tendency to be hesitant about involving a personal injury lawyer in their cases due to the cost of legal fees. Luckily, you do not have to fret about the cost since, at The Wade Law Firm, we are on a contingency fee. You don’t have to pay anything unless you win your case. The amount you end up paying is determined by the percentage agreed upon in the settlement.

Kinds of Personal Injury Cases That Wade Law Handles:

We provide the top legal assistance for the following types of personal injury cases:

Get a Milledgeville Personal Injury Lawyer Now!

Personal injuries can be devastating to victims as well as their loved ones. If you’ve sustained an injury as a result of the negligence of someone else and you need help, contact The Wade Law Firm. We are a group of skilled and seasoned personal injury lawyers who will work round the clock to ensure you get the best legal representation.

What you do after an accident that causes personal injury can be detrimental to your life. Don’t take any chances. Contact us at 770-282-1188 today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.