Union City Personal Injury Lawyer

Accidents happen regularly frequently in Union City and throughout Georgia. In most cases, they cause personal injuries, which can result in losses, from severe physical suffering and pain to massive medical bills and costs.

You or your family can be entitled to compensation for medical bills, emotional distress, and other injuries sustained by the careless or negligent actions of another party. You will need to seek advice from a Union City personal injury lawyer. Wade Law has handled many cases in this field, including medical malpractice, wrongful death, car accidents, and truck accidents, pedestrian injuries, slips and falls, etc.

Our Union City injury attorneys will assist you in obtaining the amount of compensation you need. Call today at 770-282-1188 to schedule an appointment that is free and carries no obligation.

What Should I Do After an Injury?

Your personal injury claim could be affected by the actions you take following an accident. It is essential to understand what to do and how to prepare for an accident. That said these are the actions you should take:

Seek Medical Attention

Following an accident, it’s vital to seek medical attention immediately. Make sure to call 911 right away if you have an emergency, so an ambulance can be sent to your location. Receiving treatment in the early stages is an excellent way to improve your odds of not only complete recovery but full compensation.

Take Photos or Videos If You Can

If you have a smartphone close by, you can take pictures as well as videos of both your injuries and the scene. If you aren’t able to record the incident at once, do so as soon as is possible after the accident. Keep in mind that this record will help you prove your case.

Gather the Names and Contact Information of Witnesses

It is equally important to note down the names as well as the contact information of witnesses, as they can be crucial in telling your story of the tale. Don’t compromise the possibility of recovering damages.

Make a Report of the Accident

It is vital to inform the parties concerned about the accident. If it’s a car accident you must inform the police. Your supervisor should be informed in the event of a workplace-related injury. Inform the supervisor if there is a fall or slip on an office location. It is also recommended to receive a copy of your accident report.

Never Admit Fault

Do not apologize or admit to fault in the event of injuries or damages incurred through an accident. Even if it seems like you are partially responsible, this is the best practice.

Find Legal Assistance

Union City personal injury lawyers are there to help you if you’ve been injured by the carelessness or negligence of a third party. They’ve handled all types of personal injury claims such as dog bites, slip and fall, and car accidents, defective products claims, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents. Wade Law handles all kinds of personal injury lawsuits in Union City and the surrounding regions of Georgia.

A legal representative is necessary to protect your rights. So reach out through the phone or fill out the online form to get more information about the legal options available to you.

Why Should I Hire an Attorney?

Personal injury law is a complex area and the fact that you need to concentrate on recovering isn’t going to make the claim process easier. To carry out the heavy lifting, you need an expert. Here are a few reasons why you should hire a Union City personal injury lawyer:

Case Preparation

You can declare a case if you are injured during an accident that was not your blame. A personal injury attorney will analyze your case and explain all legal options. Our team will then undertake a thorough investigation and gather all the relevant evidence. We will then start a lawsuit with the goal of obtaining compensation for

Settlement Negotiations

Your lawyer as well as the representative for the at-fault party will try to negotiate an agreement before proceeding to court. The person who is at fault will have to pay a set amount in order to avoid all liabilities. If all goes well then the claim is over here.

Trial Preparation and Representation

If both parties fail to reach an agreement, your case will be taken to the court. This is a situation that many people and insurance firms want to avoid due to the time and cost involved in settling cases. The jury will determine whether the defendant was responsible during the trial. The judge will decide on the amount of damages that have to be granted if the jury finds the defendant responsible. A Wade Law Firm personal injury lawyer will offer competent legal counsel throughout the trial.

What Kind of Damages Can I Claim in Georgia?

There are several types of damages available for people who have suffered personal injuries in Georgia. They include:

Economic Damages

Special damages can also be known as economic damages. They are used to cover the loss of money that occurs because of an injury. They are tangible and easy to calculate. Types of economic damages include the loss of earnings, property damage utilities medical expenses, and others.

Man with broken foot, concept of Union City personal injury lawyer

Non-Economic Damages

Also called general damages, non-economic damages take care of the suffering and pain that the victim and their family have suffered due to the injury. They aren’t tangible, and they are hard to determine since they do not have evidence of objective nature, such as receipts. Damages that are not economic include emotional distress, pain and suffering, and reputation tarnishment and loss of friendship as well as loss of enjoyment of life.

Punitive Damages

If the defendant was extremely negligent, careless or reckless, punitive damages may be granted. These damages are intended to penalize the perpetrator as well as discourage others from repeating their actions.

What Is the Georgia Liability Law?

To hold a defendant responsible in Georgia for personal injuries, you must prove:

Duty of Care

The first aspect of negligence that you need to establish is that the person who was liable owed you a degree of obligation. This is known as a duty of care. It includes everything from driving safely and following traffic rules, to doing the required inspections prior to driving on a truck.

Breach of Duty of Care

You also need to show the negligence that occurred due to a breach of the duty of care. This could be a result of not following traffic laws or not performing the inspections required for vehicles.


The next step is to prove that the incident was caused by a breach of duty of care. An example is running the spotlight and colliding with another vehicle.


Finally, you must prove that the incident contributed to physical injury, pain, damage to property, emotional distress, or any other form of damage.

Remember that Georgia uses the modified comparative negligence principle. That means that each party is responsible for a certain percentage of the responsibility for the accident. While one party might be held completely responsible, this isn’t always true. The majority of the time, there are several degrees of fault among the parties.

What Is the Deadline to Bring a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Georgia?

In civil lawsuits, there’s a law, also known as the statute of limitations that applies to personal injury cases too. Georgia’s statute of limitations for personal injury cases is two years. This means that you have two years to file a personal injuries claim from the date of the accident.

How Much Does a Union City Personal Injury Attorney Cost?

The majority of victims of personal injuries do not want to employ a personal injury lawyer in their cases because of the cost of legal fees. Wade Law works on a contingency fee basis so you don’t have to worry about the cost. There is no obligation to pay anything unless you win your case. The amount you end up paying will be based on the percentage agreed upon in the settlement.

Types of Injury Cases Wade Law Handles

We offer the most effective legal solutions for the following types of personal injuries:

Contact a Union City Personal Injury Lawyer Today!

Personal injuries can be devastating for victims and their loved ones. If you’ve sustained an injury due to the negligence of someone else, you can count on Wade Law. Our team includes experienced and skilled personal injury lawyers. We’ll be there all hours of the day to provide you with the most effective legal representation.

What you do after a personal injury accident can have a major impact on your life. Do not take chances. Contact us by calling 770-282-1188 or using our contact form today to get a no-cost first consultation, with no obligation!