Fault for a Multi-Car Crash in Fayetteville

Establishing the at-fault driver is always a contentious issue in car accidents. But when it comes to determining fault for a multi-car crash, things can get extremely complicated. However, an experienced Fayetteville car accident lawyer will shine the light on this issue and identify all liable parties – with solid evidence.

Here are some key considerations on this topic:

How Multi-Car Accidents Happen

The first thing an attorney usually does is investigate the conditions that led to the crash. In most of the cases, accidents involving several vehicles have the following causes:

  • Busy highways with many speeding drivers
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Failure to keep a safe distance, leading to a chain reaction of rear-end collisions
  • Sudden lane changes on a busy road
  • Mechanical failure, causing a car to suddenly stop in the middle of the road

Knowing all the factors that caused the crash is essential, because it widens the range of potential at-fault parties beyond the drivers.

Is the First Driver Who Caused the Accident Always at Fault?

After a lot of confusion and finger pointing, police officers who arrive to investigate the multi-car crash may reach a timeline of the traffic event, starting with the first collision. At this point, all the other parties involved may be already thinking about suing that one driver who caused the first crash.

However, it is never a good idea to rush with these actions. Remember that you cannot file claims several times, by trial and error. You have only one opportunity to exercise your legal right to claim damages.

Whether it’s one or several defendants, you must make sure that your claim names the correct liable parties. You cannot assume who was at fault. You need to consult with a skilled Fayetteville car wreck attorney to help you prepare and file your claim.

What an Attorney Needs to Prove Fault in a Multi-Car Crash

Evidence is paramount in any car accident case, but even more in a situation where three or more cars are involved. One crucial piece of evidence is the police report. It is prepared by the police officers who investigated the crash scene and contains many useful insights:

  • Diagram of the positions of the vehicles
  • Details of damages to the cars involved
  • Crash narrative, containing the officer’s observations and findings (skid marks, any driver suspected of DUI, texting and driving)
  • Eyewitnesses’ names and contact details
  • Information on any commercial vehicle (truck or bus) involved in the crash

many chain collisions happen at night

However, you should also be proactive in documenting the crash scene with photos and videos. Try to cover all the relevant areas, including any traffic signs and signals, panoramic images of all the cars and details of the damages to your vehicle.

Approach any eyewitnesses and ask them to give you a statement. This may not be possible on the spot, as several other drivers will be doing the same thing. Some people may refuse to get involved in such a complex situation – especially if they are not certain that they remember the sequence of events correctly.

What Happens If You Are Partly at Fault?

Our state applies a comparative negligence principle to all personal injury cases. This means that:

  • The fault of all the parties involved in an accident will be determines
  • The parties who are less than 50% at fault have the right to file accident claims
  • Their damages will be reduced by their proportion of fault

As long as you are 49% or less at fault, you will have the right to file an accident claim and obtain compensation for your economic and non-economic damages.

If There Are More Claimants, Will Everyone Get Compensation?

A multi-car crash can involve dozens of vehicles. In this situation, injured drivers and their passengers worry that, with so many claims, there will not be sufficient insurance coverage available for everyone.

Here is how liability insurance works. Drivers are required to carry a minimum of:

  • $25,000 for bodily injury per person
  • $50,000 for bodily injury per incident
  • $25,000 for property damage per incident

Also, it is possible that several parties are liable and all of them have to pay damages. In some situations, your lawyer may identify other liable parties except from the drivers, such as:

  • A trucking or bus service company
  • A vehicle manufacturer or dealer in case of vehicle malfunction
  • A public authority if the crash was caused by poorly maintained roads

A Fayetteville Car Accident Lawyer Will Investigate Your Multi-Car Crash Thoroughly

With a combined experience of over 70 years, the legal team at Wade Law can handle any case competently, no matter how difficult it may appear. Although liability in a multi-car crash may appear unclear at first glance, we will analyze the circumstances of the event in detail, until we identify the at-fault parties.

We encourage you to gather all the evidence you have and bring it for evaluation to a seasoned Fayetteville car accident lawyer at our firm. We offer each new client a free case review, so call us today at 770-282-1188!

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